Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Note on Baptism

“Believe me, no man can enter into the Kingdom of God unless birth comes to him from water and from the Holy Spirit. What is born by natural birth is a thing of nature, what is born by spiritual birth is a thing of the Spirit. Do not be surprised, then at My telling thee you must be born anew."                                         John 3:5-7
“When a man issues from the womb of his mother he is only a creature of God, as a table is the creation, in a lesser degree, of the carpenter. No man in the natural order can call God “Father”; to do this man would have to become something he is not. He must by a Divine gift share in the nature of God, as he presently shares in the nature of his parents. Man makes that which is unlike him; but he begets that which is like him. An artist paints a picture, but it is unlike the artist in nature; a mother begets a child and the child is like her in nature. Our Lord here suggests that over and above the order of making or creation, is the order of begetting, regeneration, and rebirth by which God becomes our Father."

-Fulton J. Sheen
Life of Christ